Sabeer Bhatia - Will he make another Hotmail?

Sabeer Bhatia is back in action! For guys who don't know him, he was the guy behind Hotmail, and later sold it to Microsoft for a whooping USD 400 million!
He is now entering the much touted and flourishing segment "VOIP" with his product Voifi. He also has solutions for the booming blog world. BlogEverywhere.allows you to read and write comments on any web page as you surf the net. Also has a Hotmail enhancer that allows email downloading for better performance and an Outlook-like preview function that allows an entire mail message to be viewed directly in the Inbox.
Thanks Ramki for letting me know about Voifi.
Just got curious to know what this Indian Entrepreneur is upto these days.
Sabeer Bhatia is now working on at least 5 new projects:, India's largest provider of Voice Mail services, allows you to read and write comments on any web page as you surf the net. Also has a Hotmail enhancer that allows email downloading for better performance and an Outlook-like preview function that allows an entire mail message to be viewed directly in the Inbox., a contextual collaboration solution., a travel website that will focus on hotel ratings., a project using VOIP, A project that turns your mobile phone into a personal organiser
Technorati Tags: Sabeer Bhatia, Voifi, VOIP,Entrepreneur, Tech Blog
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