Live International talk locally - Skype Skype Skype!!!
Skype, is true to its ad tagline "The whole world can talk for free". Well, there are so many messengers offering similar services and Google talk has also joined the bandwagon. So whats special about skype? Well for a small fee, a few international calls become as good as local calls. If you have a client in US and you are in India, you can still be available to your US clients at a US contact number. You become reachable at local rates to your client. However you need to be logged onto Skype. This is definitely a boon to the thousands of freelancers vying for projects in countries like USA, UK etc,. This is the new SkpeIn Beta all about. Now SkypeIn numbers are available for the following countries: Denmark, Estonia, Poland, Hong Kong, USA, UK, Germany, France, Finland and Sweden.
Skype Plugins:
Skype journal published a very useful list of best skype plugins. Pamela
, true to its name is a sexy application. Its a smart answer machine that provides a range of services like allowing you to personalize your answers to your callers , automatic answering of skype chat messages when you are away from the computer etc., They have a free download and advanced versions for a small charge.
I noticed that lotsa people 'google' searching for skype/yahoo emoticons land on my website. Therefore I might as well cover more on these applications. I will be concentrating more on skype and yahoo utilities in the days to come
Technorati Tags: Skype, Skype Plugins, Emoticons, VOIP
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